- Communication
- Social Skills
- Attending/Following Directions
- Self-Care Skills
- Safety Skills
- Coping and Emotional Regulation
- Reducing Problem Behaviors

Behavioral Foundation Center
Research based therapy, individualized to meet your child’s needs in:
Now accepting applications for our new location in South Daytona Beach
Deltona Availability:
- Currently full both in-home and in-center. We are accepting applications for the waitlist. Need help now? Apply for the South Daytona program to secure services for your child. We’ll give you priority access to transferring to the preferred location as soon as a spot becomes available.
South Daytona Availability:
- Currently accepting applications for center-based services in all ages. In-home services are anticipated to start in January 2022.

Parent Training
Behavioral Foundation Centers includes Parent Training in all of it’s models. This means that whether your child attends the center, your analyst comes to your home, or we’re meeting you in the community, parents are receiving hands-on training and activities so that they can do exactly what we do, in the moment.